Gender inequalities in the platformization of domestic and care work

ETICAS Foundation analyzes the work of platforms of domestic and care work and conducts interviews with women who work in these platforms with the objective of giving more visibility to the situations of these women from their own testimonies, and denounce gender segregation in the labor market. With our research we want to shed light on the social impacts for women who work on these platforms.


The disruption of digital platforms such as Uber, Glover or Deliveroo has meant that, in recent times, there is much talk about the gig economy, “platformization” or the on-demand economy and its implications for the labor market. The debate on the precariousness of working conditions in terms of security, social coverage and labor rights of people who work in these environments has not been without voices willing to point out the opportunities offered by these new forms of work to help the economy flourish submerged and provide job opportunities to traditionally excluded population sectors.


Everything we know about the world of care platforms indicates that they are little-known spaces where the majority of women in a situation of relative vulnerability participate. The urgency of knowing in a concrete way what it implies and what it means to work in these spaces is, therefore, evident. The main part of this report focuses precisely on the qualitative analysis of interviews conducted with both managers and platform workers in order to capture their own experience, problems and needs in relation to different labor dimensions such as remuneration, flexibility, job security, access to social protections, opportunities for professional growth and the capacity for self-organization and collective claim.